Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Delayed Updates

Okay, okay, my apologies. For the past three weeks, I have kept thinking and reminding myself that I needed to update, but I simply didn't feel like it. I had things to share: I was certainly creating items for the 50 weeks challenge as I worked on my final project for my master's degree. I just did not want to take the time or energy to post. Even this update is simply for the purpose of acknowledging my lack of motivation, and to promise that I will come back to it soon.

I'm off to Savannah this weekend for my graduation. It's been busy recently, as I finished my projects and put on my art exhibition. I'm planning a camp now and applying for jobs. It's difficult to find the motivation to continue updating a mostly-ignored blog. But I gave myself a goal, something to work towards each week. And so, once this brief hiatus is over, I promise to catch up on that goal and come back to regular updates.

After the 50 Weeks challenge has been completed, I believe I will retire this blog. It's time to open a new chapter of life: this blog was started in 2009, in preparation for my first semester in London during my undergrad. It has continued through other adventures, including graduate school across the country and my recent internship once again in London. However, as I graduate this Saturday with my MA, I will begin looking for work. My life will become more routine and less adventurous, and a personal blog will lose what appeal it has currently. So the final adventure on Sarah's Cross is to complete the 50 Weeks of Creativity, and then we will close this chapter.

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