I was wonderful about regularly updating the blog while I was away. No matter how busy I was, I had something interesting and semi-insightful to say.
Since being home, I have had numerous occasions where I have composed a blog entry in my head, but never got around to posting it. These entries usually were composed as I was in bed, attempting to sleep.
I apologize for the lack of blogging. There's no real excuse, except that I simply find my life generally less interesting here. In reality, it isn't particularly boring. It's just the ordinary for me, and the entire time I was in Europe, nothing was exactly ordinary.
Maybe, if I find the time and motivation, I'll use this blog as a resource for posting my op/ed pieces for The Mooring Mast. Maybe I'll tell you about my month-long mystery illness I've been battling (for a month, if you didn't quite figure that out yet).
Right now, however, it's 2:00 AM and I went to bed at 10:30. I really should not be online at all. But on the one hand, it's 10:00 AM back in London.
I hope all is fairing well. If you're wondering: yes, I miss London. But I'm still very much happy to be home.
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