Sunday, January 31, 2010

Final Preparations

Well, we're coming in to the home stretch. Annie and I both are on the brink of getting sick, so we're trying to rest up so that we're healthy for our trip (and so we don't make everyone else on the two planes miserable).
I haven't started packing yet, and I have less than a week to do so. I am also working this week in an attempt to make more money while in London.
In the meantime, I've also been to the doctor for my back pain, and now he has suggested that I try physical therapy. So tomorrow I'm going for a physical therapy appointment to get some advice on how to lessen my back pain while in England.
Speaking of back pain, I received an email from my host mother today telling me that her daughter Eleanor has hurt her back recently. Hopefully she'll be doing better soon.

This might be my last update until London, so talk to you soon!

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