Sunday, February 10, 2013

50 Weeks of Creativity: Week Four

This week marked my first week in London, and my first week interning at Fast Web Media. I was quite busy, but it was a week of creativity at work! I read up on two new services FWM offers, and was given the task of designing a brochure and powerpoint presentation for one service while Alice was away in Vegas. Here is the initial draft for the inside and outside of the brochure:

This provided the bases for the final draft, which reflected the rainbowy colors established for the BIGprofile project. So here is the brochure as it currently looks. I'm sure there is more to be done on it, but this is what I spent my time creating this week:

Anyway, after working on that, I got started on copywriting tasks. So Friday, I was busy learning everything there is to learn about Twitter's new 6-second video app Vine. I'm now addicted to Vine you guys, not to mention my newfound expertise on the subject. You can watch new Vine videos being posted in real time on Vinepeek, or (my favorite), you can watch cat videos on Vinecats. It's like lolcats with video.

While researching all of this, I figured the best way I could learn about Vine was to try the app myself. Naturally. I discovered that 6 seconds really flies by quickly, and you have to carefully plan out what you will create in that 6 seconds. Even if you plan out what you are doing, you can still lose track of those precious 6 seconds. None the less, I came up with a few Vine videos myself, which you can find on my Twitter.

I leave you now with my Tube trip home, in 6 seconds:

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