I've spent way too much time this past week with the story of Goldilocks and The Three Bears. There's so many messages you can take away from it; does Goldilocks show leadership, initiative, and strong decision-making skills when she enters the Bears' house uninvited and helps herself to the items necessary for meeting her current needs?
Is Goldilocks really a spoiled socialite who gets whatever she wants, whenever she wants it? Maybe Goldilocks suffers from OCD, and every action in her life is dictated by a repeating ritual that has to be just right?
Maybe all three.
I have an assignment to take a fairy tell (can you tell which one I chose?!) and set it in a contemporary setting. What if Paris Hilton is Goldilocks? While the project is currently nowhere near complete, enjoy an imagining of Paris Hilton as Goldilocks.

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