Over the winter break, I met up with my oldest friend Britney. Seriously, she and I have been buds since we were in diapers; I can't honestly tell you how we met because I can't remember it. No, that's not because my memory is lacking or I was blackout drunk or anything like that; it means our meeting predates my earliest life memories. As I said, oldest friend. Britney is in law school in New York, while I'm at art school in Savannah. Same coast, very different objectives and career paths. We got together to have lunch on my birthday, and she was telling my parents that surviving the first semester of law school is quite a feat.
Turns out, surviving the first semester of art school or any grad school program in general is really quite the feat. My last semester didn't really count; it was an adjustment period, but I wasn't taking graduate courses. So now I'm fully immersed in 700-level courses and I've certainly got my work cut out for me. You can ask me every single day if what I'm going to do after this quarter, if I like it here, and my answer will change every single time. It's

growing pains like nothing else in life. After hitting mid-terms and somehow managing to complete six projects overnight, I'm feeling a bit more encouraged and capable. I produced some work I'm actually pretty happy with, such as this pro gay marriage card and these Roe V Wade posters. These aren't even 100% completed, but heck, I'll share them with you.
Now that I've decided that I'm stubborn/strong-willed/intelligent/talented enough to survive grad school, I've set my sights on another goal: interning in London. It turns out, of the many programs available out there, most of them are geared towards recent college graduates or current grad students. Basically, they want slightly older candidates with some experience. Oh, yay. Now I'm bouncing off the walls in excitement, eager to go back to London, live in a flat in the city, and gain experience. Pretty much, nothing can get in my way. The programs let you decide when you want to go; so my plan is to be in London by this time next year.
This blog was born in preparation for London, and so it will continue on that pa
th. Funny how life works itself out sometimes. PS: Here's my Roe V. Wade posters, supporting and opposing it.